Ariana’s underlying message debunked by yours truly…

Ariana Grande demands, right away, in the lyrics of her new song:

“Tell me something, I need to know…”

Barack-Obama-Confused-LookBut let’s not forget to set the stage! Naturally, in the music video we see her singing, assuming, out of a painful desperation, clothed in lingerie – all by herself.

As you requested Miss Grande, there are 3 things you must know:

  • Okay, well, you need to know that you are fearfully and wonderfully made”. (Psalm 139:14)
  • You should also know, “The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied”. (Proverbs 13:4)
  • And while we’re at it let us remember this one,As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him”. (Titus 3:10)

Oh, and by the way, these “3 things” don’t just apply for Miss Grande – but for you too! Like you, myself, and Miss Grande, we live in a lustful and impious world. It’s sad to admit, but we all get sucked into this vortex of mediocrity. And it’s not just in our work ethic anymore, no, it’s entered into our relationships. We’ve left the high standards in life because we’re impatient and selfish, but if we all are then it can’t be that bad , right? Wrong.


Lately, these mediocre relationships have been flourishing in in the Millennial generation. In fact, TIME magazine ran a poll for the generation’s wedding insights. Beta was the winner, with 43% saying they can either be “formalized or dissolved” after the first 2 years after the altar. Till death do us part came in racking up a solid 31% of the votes. And shockingly enough 16% said they liked the idea of multiple partners during their marriage to keep “fulfilled”. So I’d say most individuals have noticed they’ve finally “cracked” like our friend here, Miss Gretchen Weiners.

Miss Grande continues in her song to intrigue us, asking:

“I know your motives and you know mine
The ones that love me, I tend to leave behind
If you know about me and choose to stay
Then take this pleasure and take it with the pain”

Glad you know what the other person expects out of the relationship – that’s great. Who wants to go into any type of relationship knowing nothing, zero, NADA – about the other person’s intentions. 1) That’s just asking for heartache. But then Miss Grande continues to tell us that she tends to leave the ones she loves. BUT HEY! There’s a close chance she might not leave you, because she only tends to leave. So there’s a slap in the face… She leaves those she loves and stays with the jerks of the world, what a nice thought. But, again, she reassures you that if you know her style and still want her then you can stay as long as YOU want. You’ll have the most unbearable heartache, during and in the end, but hey, didn’t Lizzie McGuire teach us that’s what dreams are made of?


Oh, sorry Lizzie. I forgot! Dreams of fairytale endings are not made from countless nightmares with an individual that doesn’t truly love you enough to stay around. You’re right! Thank you.

Miss Grande continues to try and sell the deal of her endless heartbreak warfare, resulting in some type of wonderful love:

“So what do I do if I can’t figure it out?
You got to try, try, try again, yeah.
So what do I do if I can’t figure it out?
I’m gonna leave, leave, leave again”

Well, if that’s not a superb role model for you daughter or sister I don’t know what is! Whoa. What a ‘cherry on top’ for the future women of America. Would you look at that. If she can’t figure out how to make the relationship work after trial and error one to many times, she’s saying buh bye.


I mean, yeah. Leave. Be my guest. But is a relationship really supposed to entail voluntary heartbreak, followed by, oh yeah, more willing heartbreak to the same person? Well if it does, count on me checking the ‘single, not taken’ box for the rest of my life.


The best couples I’ve see, who have lasted years and not weeks, were truly committed to each other. It wasn’t this constant cycle of – leave, come back, leave, come back, leave. That is known as an unhealthy relationship, and is frowned upon in most families, but if you’re part of the 1% that truly likes that drama – then be my guest and STAY.

Any relationship in life requires true acceptance. You leave behind your judgement, your harsh opinions, and most of all – your attitude. These things can harm the bond you try to form. You become selfless, or at least strive for that idea, and work at it every day. There is no greater love than a love for you neighbor. Like Miss Grande got stuck in our head during that song, “gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta love”. And if we all just treated others the way and manner we’re accustom to, I think the world would be a hella positive place!

So, I hope you’ve screwed your head on nice and tight because this world will spin you right-round until it falls off you shoulders. My humble advice to you: If you can’t remember the last time you were truly happy, in midst of dating this individual, that’s a sign you don’t have to waste another moment or ounce of energy on something that’s dragging you down.

Let’s learn from 2014’s mistakes, and make 2015 the year of higher standards as we hold our ground, and hang on to our dignity while we’re at it.

tumblr_nh8owdDsBA1qcd8z7o2_250xoxo Katie


TIME Magazine –

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